About Us

Hey There, We're PheedLoop!

Get to know a little bit more about us and the team behind the tech.
At PheedLoop, we hold the belief that technology should serve as a driver for meaningful connections and engaging experiences.
This principle, coupled with our unwavering commitment to our core values, inspire us to develop the ultimate event management platform, designed to meet our customers' diverse needs.

What makes us different?

We innovate
We always rise to any challenges and push ourselves to new levels of excellence!
We dare
We're not afraid to push boundaries and reach for new heights, even if it means we might stumble along the way.
We put you first
We prioritize our customers and their well-being, valuing their journey and success above all else. Because fostering a caring community is essential for growth and progress.
We listen
We continuously seek for your feedback and suggestions to constantly improve our platform.
We improve
We admit that we don't know it all. That's why we always allow ourselves to continuously learn and improve to best meet our customers' needs.
We work as a team
Our company and products excel when we support and uplift each other. That's why we work better together as a team.

Our Story

A long, long time ago (2015), in a faraway land (Toronto, Ontario), our founder Rahul Goel had a vision: to create an event management platform that truly brought people closer together. He saw the rapid growth of the events industry but noticed a significant gap – there was no all-in-one platform addressing the complex challenges event professionals faced. So, with his high school friend and our President, George Wong, they built PheedLoop. From the very beginning, they focused on innovating, pivoting, and listening to our customers to perfect the platform. Their dedication paid off as PheedLoop began powering over 100 conferences a month, with no signs of slowing down!

However, it wasn't always rainbows and sunshine. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, PheedLoop had to quickly pivot from powering on-site events to developing technology for virtual and hybrid events as the world went into lockdown. Despite the challenges, our team's commitment to providing industry-leading technology for event planners remained unwavering. We innovated and introduced new features tailored to the needs of virtual and hybrid events. This marked the beginning of a new era for PheedLoop.

Today, PheedLoop is an award-winning company offering best-in-class solutions for event planners worldwide, helping elevate events to new heights. Thanks to the support and trust of our global customer base, PheedLoop now drives millions of interactions every day.

Our Team

We are a team of talented and passionate individuals from diverse fields, backgrounds, and walks of life. United by a common mission to shape the future of events, our team is dedicated to developing cutting-edge event technology and providing world-class support.

Every team member plays a crucial role in driving PheedLoop forward – because at PheedLoop, everyone shines!