The Importance of Promoting Gender Equality & DEI in Tech ft. Lisa Hudson from WomenHack
January 9, 2023

In this episode of the ‘Where People Meet’ podcast, we are joined by Lisa Hudson, Director of Global Events at WomenHack! WomenHack is an amazing initiative that works to promote gender equality in the tech industry by connecting talented female candidates to companies committed to promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) in the workplace. They are focused on connecting top female engineers, designers, and product managers with opportunities at diversity-first companies through planned event nights that are filled with diversity talks followed by 5-minute rapid interviews to keep things light-hearted, fun and engaging. This takes the pressure off candidates, making it easier to network and connect with employers and industry professionals!

After a 10+ year career in Public Relations and Marketing in Russia, Lisa moved to the United States and devoted her time and passion to the events industry. Needless to say, we were incredibly lucky to have Lisa sit down and answer a few questions about her background in the meetings and events industry, what drove her to move to the States, how she got started and grew into her role at WomenHack, why the events industry is a successful medium for achieving DEI in the workplace, how the transition from in-person to virtual events took place in WomenHack, and why it’s so important to set goals, communicate and practice flexible management strategies at your organization. Lisa also shares some powerful tips with our listeners on how to make the most out of limited resources and maximize productivity while running your next event.

If you’re interested in connecting with Lisa Hudson to discuss any of this in greater detail or to learn more about her expertise, you can do so at any of the following resources:

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