Event Managers Save Hours With Task Automation & New Review Queue
January 9, 2023

Conference and event planners love PheedLoop's task management and automation features for their speakers, sponsors exhibitors and attendees.

Chasing after stakeholders to do even the littlest things is a nightmarish task for most event planners. It’s a frustrating scenario that we’ve been examining, writing and podcasting about all this month.

Now, we've added the ability for speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and attendees to mark their own tasks as complete, pending a confirmation from the event manager. Tasks end up in a review queue for the event planner, where they can make sure that the task has been completed correctly.

When exhibitors check off tasks in their portal, they can take a little time to celebrate.

Product Update Summary:

  • Added the ability for speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and attendees to mark their own tasks as complete using their portals
  • Event Managers will see these task as “pending verification”
  • Event Managers now have a review queue where all completed tasks will appear for verification

One year ago, we developed an experimental feature called task automation to allow event managers to create groups of tasks, assign them to their stakeholders, and rely on PheedLoop's automation tools to send reminders to help get the task done.

Stakeholders would use their portals to complete the task themselves, such as uploading a photo or completing a form, and the event manager wouldn’t have to worry about the task getting done in a timely manner.

This feature has become incredibly popular among PheedLoop users because it helps take tasks off their plates and helps speakers and exhibitors organize the next steps to participate in the conference or event.

We’re really excited to continue to improve the features that save event organizers time and help make real progress in getting our users’ events organized.

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