PheedLoop’s New Zapier App! Integrate PheedLoop with 3,000+ Apps Using a Drag & Drop Builder!
January 9, 2023

Important Note! To check out our new integrations marketplace for the first time, register for the PheedLoop Gamechangers Summit (powered by the PheedLoop platform) for free. See you on October 7th!

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to be making some major announcements about integrations, APIs, and more. In fact, on October 7th at Gamechangers (register now!) we’re going to have a session dedicated to this, announcing brand new integrations and a new marketplace built-in to PheedLoop that will allow you to natively connect PheedLoop to loads of apps. We’ll be announcing new or refreshed integrations with everything from Salesforce and HubSpot, to Slack and Wild Apricot.

To kick off the excitement, today we’re thrilled to announce PheedLoop’s brand new Zapier app, now live and available to use (powered by our new API that we’ll be announcing at Gamechangers also).

If you’ve never heard of Zapier before, then you’re missing out on a lot of potential to automate and streamline your events and organizations. We all know building custom integrations is challenging, even for coders, but what Zapier has is a platform that allows you to use their visual builder to create integrations between thousands of apps without writing a single line of code. This means just about anyone can build a custom integration within a matter of minutes. At PheedLoop, we have nearly 100 Zapier integrations powering our company making us super efficient, so you can probably guess that we’re pretty big fans of this product update!

Note that our old private Zapier app will soon be no longer supported, so we recommend updating your Zaps as soon as possible!

Zapier PheedLoop

How It Works

It’s extremely simple to build a custom integration with PheedLoop via Zapier. All you have to do is create a Zapier account (there’s a free plan and for most small organizations, the free plan is more than enough), and when creating your first Zap, search for PheedLoop depending on whether you are setting up an action or trigger. Via that same search, you can explore thousands of apps and find what you are looking for quite easily. You can also visit PheedLoop's Zapier page directly right here.

Examples of Integrations

Given there are thousands of options to choose from and a custom integration essentially implies an unlimited number of possibilities, there are definitely some common apps and use-cases you may want to consider. Here are some convenient templates and ready-to-go options that you can consider experimenting with, and there are truly an infinite number of them you can create.

  • When a new attendee is created in PheedLoop, add it to a Salesforce campaign (link)
  • When someone fills a HubSpot form, register them as an attendee in PheedLoop (link)
  • When someone registers for an event in Cvent (if you're not using PheedLoop's registration system), add them as an attendee in PheedLoop (link)
  • When a new attendee registers in PheedLoop, send your team a Slack notification (link)
PheedLoop Salesforce Zapier Integration

Integrations Vs. Built-In

Another important concept to be aware of, especially if you are a PheedLoop user, is that we are dedicated to building technology instead of relying on integrations.

You’ll notice in the event technology industry that there is a heavy reliance by event platforms on integrations for even the most basic things like live polls, streaming, badge printing, registration, etc. At PheedLoop, we are extremely focused on creating an integrated and seamless experience from the very beginning by ensuring everything you need is already built-in to the system. We invest significantly in engineering and product development to make this possible, which ultimately reduces your cost, effort, and integration issues when combining different products/processes.

Integrations with third-party platforms play an important role for PheedLoop when it comes to things that are outside the scope of event management. For example, Slack for communications, Salesforce for CRMs, or Stripe for payments.

Native Integrations Vs. Zapier

You may be wondering what the benefits of native integrations are, especially as we’re launching many new ones shortly. Zapier is a wonderful option for you if PheedLoop doesn’t natively support an application you’re trying to integrate, you do not have software programming resources but still want to build integrations, you want to string together a collection of several apps into one big integration, or countless other reasons. API aggregators have changed the landscape for software integration and business automation for the better and fill the gaps where native integrations aren’t practical or spending large amounts of money on custom software development is infeasible.

Native integrations are critical for several reasons as well that custom API integrations or even Zapier can’t accomplish. Aside from the convenience of an often one-click integration, native integrations are designed to perform tasks not only limited to syncing data. Native integrations are often very deep parts of a platform like PheedLoop and tend to be embedded in the user experience itself. From processing payments and authentication (e.g. SSO), to analytics and beyond.

PheedLoop is increasing its efforts to release countless new native integrations for you to choose from, and are always open to requests!

Advanced Concepts

We’ve only scratched the surface of what integrations are capable of and where we’re headed at PheedLoop. We wanted to highlight a few advanced concepts within Zapier that you could use to truly hit the highest level of automation and integration possibilities.

  • Despite housing 3,000+ awesome apps like PheedLoop, there are a lot more apps out there. If your app isn’t listed, you can actually use that app’s API and build your own integration in Zapier (not exactly, but close enough for your private use) by creating custom POST, GET, PATCH, etc. calls as well as custom webhooks.
  • Use Zapier’s custom logic blocks to create conditional flows based on input data from a trigger or from another step in your Zap
  • Use Zapier’s paths function to create several pathways your data can take depending on input data, combining multiple possible outcomes into one single Zap
  • Use Zapier’s formatters to entirely reformat data by doing simple things like capitalizing or lowercasing, to advanced things like string replaces and matches
  • Use Zapier’s schedule and delay functions to perfectly time your Zaps to fire and run when you need them to

What’s Next

We’re going to be investing a lot of resources into making PheedLoop more integration friendly over the coming months. Not only can you expect more options in PheedLoop’s Zapier app, but you can expect a brand new public API, new native integrations, new authentication and SSO options, and much more! Don’t miss our next user conference on October 7th to learn more!

Attendee a Free PheedLoop Powered Event - October 7th

If you'd like to learn more about this and countless other new products and features to help your events be they hybrid, in-person, or virtual, then you won't want to miss the free PheedLoop Gamechangers Summit happening this October 7th. Learn more and register here!

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