PheedLoop's CEO Discusses Pathfinders 2021 + Post-Event Product Updates!
January 9, 2023
If you're looking to see all the updates we made based on your feedback at Pathfinders, scroll down to "Product Updates from the Last 72 Hours"

Hi everyone,

Rahul here, CEO of PheedLoop. Thank you so much for being a part of another amazing quarterly PheedLoop user conference. Every quarter, everything just seems to level up on every front. The event went perfectly smoothly as we launched countless new products (including so many on-site systems), hosted nearly 20 speakers and 20 booths, presented 10 powerful sessions, offered loads of prizes, entertained with original music, and so much more. We also announced PheedLoop Recharge (offering our brand new hybrid event mobile app for free to events), and our new on-site badge printing sample kit that we’re shipping for free right to your door starting this month.

To top it all off, as always, we took the days right after the event to take so much of the feedback we got from attendees to improve the technology itself at lightning speed. More on that below.

PheedLoop is a company built for our customers, because it makes us happy to see our customers happy, and makes us even happier to see your customers happy. From day-one, PheedLoop has been independent to ensure we bring you the fastest innovation at the lowest price. To me, independence means being totally free from tech challenges as a result of clunky acquisitions or integrations, from investors and banks financially, and from over-the-top marketing campaigns to drive growth. At PheedLoop, we’ve financed, built, and grown aggressively yet organically, since 2015, all on our own alongside our customers. Although we always have work to do to be better for our customers, know that at the end of the day, our customers are truly our only priority.

The next several months will be interesting for us all in the events industry. Events are looking to return on-site, people are trying to figure out what hybrid really means, countless new virtual event companies started during the pandemic are scrambling to integrate on-site capabilities, and the list goes on. Whatever happens, as always PheedLoop will be your trusted event technology partner and we can’t wait to be of service in-person, virtually, or both.

Product Reveals Summary

A major highlight of every quarterly user conference is the first session where I share a bunch of our newest products and share what’s right around the corner. This time, it was no different. We tried our best to limit it to 10, even though there are far more. Here they are:

PheedLoop Go! - Without question, the most incredible launch was of our new hybrid mobile event app. This replaces EventBuddy, and is packed with incredible on-site functions that all sync with virtual to create a phenomenal experience for in-person only or hybrid events. Given how big this is, I’ve dedicated a section below just to this launch.

OnSight Check-In and Printing - A massive development for in-person events using PheedLoop to speed up and customize the on-site check-in experience, also replacing our old check-in kiosks. OnSight is so fast, so quick, and so personalized that any event running on-site events has to give this a whirl. Wireless connections over the cloud to dedicated badge printers, a touchless mode to meet your event’s sanitation requirements, and more make this such an exciting launch.

Switching Stream Sources - A seamless way for virtual events to switch the source of streams inside a session on the fly, making all kinds of combined experiences like going from Simulive to Live Q&A, webinar to networking, and more, possible.

Audience Interaction Live Polls & Q&A - Porting over all the amazing interaction tools from EventBuddy like polls and Q&A, plus more, are coming to the entire new PheedLoop ecosystem in the form of our new audience interaction power-up.

Watch the CEO Keynote and Product Reveals Session

On-Site Live Display - A totally refreshed live display experience allowing events to create multiple displays for single events, brand them, customize them, and sponsor them. Adaptable to any television or projector, designed to make on-site events pop, keep all attendees up to date, and create an amazing hybrid experience with on-site attendees always tracking their virtual counterparts.

Magic Login Links - What more do we need to say, logging in is now a total breeze. Click a button, and your attendees are in.

E-Badges - For events not ready to go fully in-person yet, or for attendees that just prefer to use their phones, or for touchless check-in when an attendee walks in, the new E-Badge built right into PheedLoop Go creates a virtual badge for on-site interactions. From lead capture and badge printing, to session check-in, networking, gamification, and more.

Free Recording of Simulive Sessions - At this point, we can say with confidence that PheedLoop offers the best option in the market for streaming pre-recorded content. With Simulive, Autopilot, Source Transitions, and of course 100% free and unlimited streaming, we’ve now topped it off with using the backstage to record sessions at zero cost. This eliminates the need to use something like Zoom and then bring the recording into PheedLoop, or pay for Meet & Stream.

DIY Badge Design and Layout Tool - With our on-site tech getting better and better over the years, we’ve finally reached the point where we’re able to put even more power in your hands. The new badge layout tool converts your designs to ZPL code behind the scenes making it so easy to create multiple badge layouts, customize them on the fly, and even assign them to specific attendee types.

Team Gamification - It’s no secret that our customers absolutely love gamification, and that’s a major understatement. We’re now making it more fun and more competitive by offering it for teams, allowing you to group attendees and have them compete on the leaderboards. Great for internal organization events with competing departments or anything else.

Product Updates from the Last 72 Hours

If you thought the product updates we revealed were awesome, what we get even more excited about is taking your feedback and leveling up right after the event. We host our super popular CEO AMA where you slam us with requests, and we solicit them all day via our networking group. Running these events on our own platform really allows us to understand at the most fundamental level what our customers want and what we can do better.

Emoji Chat Reactions - You can now hover over any chat message at an event and react to it with a collection of fun emojis. This adds a super fun layer of interactivity and joy to any event, and the moment we released it we saw attendees going wild for the reactions.

Post-Roll Videos - Much like pre-roll videos, you can now add global or session specific post-roll videos which will play after you disable your stream during your live session. This is a great place to host more sponsored messages, direct people to the next session, or just thank them.

Missed Private Chat Notifications - A new automated email is sent out, with an unsubscribe link, to attendees if they missed a chat notification while away. This will draw a lot more pre and post event engagement and ensure people are always in the know. The push notifications will also continue to fire the same way.

Attendee Designations - A new field in an attendee’s settings area allows them to specify their designations, whatever they may be. From professional certifications to gender pronouns, this gives attendees space to express whatever it is about themselves that they’d like to, right next to their names. The designations are visible from an attendee’s profile page.

Picture-In-Picture Mode for Simulive - Just like true live streamed content, all simulive content now includes a picture-in-picture option in the video player. This makes it super easy for attendees to multitask at events that make heavy use of PheedLoop’s Simulive features, like we do at our own events.

Removed Automatic Logout - Since event planners expressed frustration with the automated logout system, we removed it. Nice and simple.

Pinned Chat Messages - Event admins can now (launching in a few days) pin chat messages to the top of the chat stream. Perfect for sharing short announcements and sticky messages with attendees in any location, from sessions and exhibit booths to groups.

There are even more updates coming really soon and as I write this, but I wanted to give you a heads up as these are all live and it hasn’t even been 72 hours since the event. I hope you enjoy them.

PheedLoop Go! The Next Generation of Mobile Event Apps

This is one of our most exciting launches not just this quarter, but in the company’s entire history. PheedLoop Go is a one-of-a-kind event app experience that goes far beyond the basics of mobile event apps. It also goes far beyond the traditional approach event technology companies take which includes modifying the same app architecture for many years instead of pursuing new technologies, or acquiring companies and trying to integrate their technology.

PheedLoop Go is a brand new hybrid mobile event app experience, built from the ground up, to do so much. I’m not going to waste your time discussing the basics, PheedLoop Go is extremely capable of full schedules, countless sponsor options, push notifications, gamification, and notepads, to speaker directories, exhibit halls, attendee messaging, and more.

Beyond the underlying technology itself, what makes the app particularly appealing are all the powerful hybrid and on-site capabilities. This includes things like:

  • Video calling without borders, between on-site attendees and virtual ones, any time and any day
  • Session attendance scanning and check-in/out, with CE tracking, gated access and more
  • Brand new customizable home screen designed to pull in synced hybrid content from all types of attendees
  • Interactive in-person exhibit hall floor plans allowing a very natural experience when navigating through booths
  • Exhibitor lead capture scanner, with note taking, rating, and synced to exhibitor portals to bring in on-site and virtual leads to the same spot
  • New hybrid exhibitor booths in-app, allowing exhibitors to track attendance and communicate with both physical and virtual attendees at the same time from the palm of their hand
  • Mobile badge printing, allows any event admin logged into the app to wirelessly print badges and check-in attendees within seconds
  • Mobile live streaming allows attendees to participate in and watch live streamed content from anywhere
  • E-Badges, powering on-site experiences where physical badges aren’t possible or not convenient, allowing attendees to check-in to events, check-in to sessions, get lead captured at booths, and participate in games, networking, and more
  • Integrated analytics with PheedLoop SmartSight, allowing for real-time analysis of exactly how your on-site attendees are doing and their engagement both in isolation, or combined with virtual for hybrid events

All of this is only just the beginning, there’s so much more coming up with PheedLoop Go and we have only just gotten started. PheedLoop Go is going to change the way your attendees meet in-person, and we can’t wait to see how far you go with PheedLoop Go.

Watch the Session All About PheedLoop Go - The Hybrid Mobile Event App!

PheedLoop Recharge - Free Hybrid Mobile Event Apps

As events re-open on-site again, and with all the amazing products we’ve launched, we realize a lot of the events industry suffered greatly, financially, over the last year and a half. So we launched PheedLoop Recharge alongside PheedLoop Go, a program where we’re now taking applications from event planners who are looking to go back on-site, want cutting-edge technology, and faced significant financial challenges over the course of the pandemic. We’re setting aside a budget of $2 million dollars for this free technology fund over the next year. Apply here:

Shipping Free On-Site Sample Kits Starts Now

Over the course of the last few months, we’ve been totally revamping all our on-site services and we now have a far more simple, lower cost, and streamlined process to order your on-site tech and materials through PheedLoop. This includes badges, lanyards, and other consumables. We are now shipping brand new sample kits to any event planner looking into PheedLoop’s options. We’re shipping the first of these new kits this month, so submit your application here and we’ll get a bunch of stuff sent out to you very soon:

Watch the Session All About On-Site Check-In, Badge Printing, Scanning +

On-Demand Access & Looking Ahead

We’re excited to say that Pathfinders is now available fully on-demand. You are welcome to go back in, review the content, connect with fellow attendees, enjoy the entertainment, and more.

Looking ahead to our next quarterly user conferences, we have a big surprise in the works. Without saying too much, I’ll close this post off by saying that we’ll see you in-person in a city near you real soon.

Thanks everyone, for your your partnership, business, and friendship. I am deeply grateful.

Rahul ✌️

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