NEW Updates to PheedLoop’s Virtual Event Portal
March 6, 2023

At PheedLoop, we've always been dedicated to providing our customers with the latest technology and features to make their events a success, regardless of format. While PheedLoop proudly started as an in-person event tech company back in 2015 and much of our focus as of late has been on improving our on-site systems, we are still making updates to our Virtual Event Portal to ensure our customers have the best virtual event experience possible. We're excited to announce four exciting new updates that are now live in our Virtual Event Portal for virtual and hybrid events!

Schedule View for Virtual Events

Countless large academic events looked to PheedLoop at the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic to transition their in-person events to virtual.

Many academic conferences are characterized by complex programs with multiple sessions running simultaneously. Following up on a request from a longstanding client of ours, we've introduced a new Schedule View for our Virtual Event Portal that makes viewing large programs even easier. 

With this new section, you can now view all of your sessions in a full page schedule, making it easier for your attendees to manage their programs and ensure they don't miss any important sessions. Users can filter sessions based on tracks, audiences, and formats, and when you click into each session, you'll immediately be taken to the session page. We know how important offering a clean and easy to navigate UI is for our clients which is why we’re so excited to announce this release! 

Time Spent in Sessions

Being the technology nerds that we are, the entire team at PheedLoop is data obsessed. We believe that real-time data and analytics are key to understanding how your attendees are interacting with your event. That's why we're thrilled to announce that our Virtual Session Attendance report now includes the ability to track the time spent by each attendee in a session. 

While we previously allowed you to track enter and exit times, this new option provides a session duration metric to show how long an attendee viewed a given session. This information is valuable for event organizers who want to understand how engaged their attendees are during a session and track overall engagement across the event. This is incredibly useful for accredited programs where organizers need to track attendance analytics in order to offer CEU credits and certificates. With PheedLoop’s Custom Reports Feature and SmartSight Analytics System, you can customize and analyze the time spent in sessions to gain valuable insights into attendee behavior.

Discussion Groups

We understand that not all attendees are comfortable with sharing their camera, video, or audio during a virtual event. That's why we've introduced Discussion Groups, which allows attendees to engage in text-based discussions without showing their camera, video, or audio. Mimicking popular online discussion forums, this feature provides a safe and inclusive space for attendees to participate in discussions and network with other attendees. With Discussion Groups, you can ensure that all attendees feel welcome and valued at your virtual event!

New Sponsorship Opportunities!

While PheedLoop’s event technology ecosystem is known for boasting a raft of real estate options to highlight sponsors at events, we’re always looking for new and valuable ways to spotlight event partners in order to provide the highest ROI possible. You may have seen our blog post from a few weeks ago announcing new sponsorship opportunities in our Mobile Event App for in-person events. Today, we’re excited to announce new sponsorship opportunities in our Virtual Event Portal: 

  • Networking Groups are now sponsorable, allowing you to assign a single tier of sponsors to the Networking Groups. This feature provides valuable exposure for sponsors and helps event organizers to monetize their virtual events. 
  • The Menu Banner Sponsor feature allows you to associate a single sponsor with the menu bar in the bottom left corner of the Virtual Portal. This feature provides sponsors with valuable exposure and helps event organizers to showcase their sponsors in a prominent location. 
  • Our most exciting announcement is that Gamification Codes can now be sponsored. You can associate a single gamification code with a sponsor, and each time a code is redeemed, the sponsor's logo will be displayed. This feature provides valuable exposure for sponsors and encourages attendees to engage with sponsors and their products.

Wrap Up

Team PheedLoop is committed to providing our customers with the latest technology and features to make their in-person, hybrid and virtual events a success. The new Schedule View allows attendees to easily navigate through a high volume of sessions at a glance, while the Time Spent in Sessions metric provides valuable data for event organizers to track individual session attendance. The Discussion Groups feature enables attendees to participate in text-based discussion boards that are automatically archived for future engagement. Most exciting of all, PheedLoop has also introduced new sponsorship opportunities in the Virtual Event Portal, such as sponsorable Networking Groups, Menu Banner Sponsorship, and Gamification Code Sponsorship. These updates reflect PheedLoop's continued commitment to providing a comprehensive and engaging platform for events of any format in 2023.

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