Over here at PheedLoop, we take customer feedback very seriously and are always looking for ways to improve our products and make them more user friendly. Admittedly, things have been quiet on the marketing side for the last little while as we’ve been heads down focused on the product, growing our team, preparing for the big move to our new office next week and launching our ‘Where People Meet’ Podcast!
When it comes to the product, we’ve been pushing out some incredibly exciting tweaks and improvements, especially on the dashboard and PheedLoop Go! (our live and hybrid event mobile app) that you may have noticed over the past couple of months. Here are some updates worth mentioning, in case you missed them:
Bulk Check-In - You now have the ability to check multiple attendees into your event through the back-end dashboard. This is great for large events wanting to check-in and bulk print badges for a large number of people at the same time while saving time and making the lives of the event administrators as easy as possible!
Bulk Badge Printing - Similar to the update above, this tweak allows you to print badges in bulk instead of one at a time. Sure to be a huge time saver for our clients and partners running in-person and hybrid events!
Offline Mode on PheedLoop Go! - We made a slight tweak to a feature that existed before to make it even better! For clients using the PheedLoop Go mobile app at an on-site event, anytime your device goes offline, a little ‘Offline’ icon will appear letting you know that you’re not connected to the internet but the beauty is that you can still continue using the event app interface even when not connected to the internet.

Check-In Improvements - Here at PheedLoop, we strongly believe in getting our hands dirty and using our product in live event scenarios to better understand what our clients experience. After sending members of our product team to a number of on-site events over the past few months, they came back with several ideas on how to improve the on-site badge printing process. The end result was a number of tweaks and UI improvements to optimize the check-in experience to allow attendees to collect their badges as efficiently as possible. Tweaks like shorter screen timeouts, removing zoom/scrolling on the kiosk screens, better search functions, and clearer ‘go back’ buttons, have allowed us to cut down on lines and reduce check-in time by at least 50%.
Quick Links in PheedLoop Go! - We know how important customizations are to our clients. Your event is unique and you want to ensure that it stands out and showcases your fantastic content. To help you do so, we’ve added more customization options for the event app home page and menu bar.
Add Images to Interactive Floor Plans - With the rapid return to on-site events, we’ve seen a massive spike in usage of our interactive floor plan feature for on-site exhibit halls. Now, you can upload images through the back-end floor plan builder to make your front-facing floor plans look more distinct and visually appealing!
Add Search Field to Event List Page - The inspiration for this addition came from one of our clients who hosts hundreds of events on the platform every year. With such a high volume of events in the system, they wanted a way to easily find an event from the event list page rather than having to scroll through page after page to find what they’re looking for. Low and behold, we’ve added a search input to the event list page. Using this search bar will filter through all three tables (upcoming events, in-progress events and past events) and search based on event name only.

More Translation Capabilities - Being a Canadian company, many of our clients (especially in the government and academic spaces) have extremely stringent requirements when it comes to bilingual event capabilities. Beyond bilingual events, lots of planners now want to appeal to new audiences and regions through our infinitely more convenient and accessible virtual event portal. With our wide range of multi-language support systems, PheedLoop has been leading the pack over the past few years when it comes to accessibility and multi-language events. With that said, we’re always looking for ways to improve our systems which is why we collaborated with a Canadian government client to add new translation functions to better support their events - alt text, aria labels, and image src can now be translated, allowing you to show different images in different languages!
Accessibility Improvements to the Virtual Portal and Event Website - Similar to the above update, this same client had very strict requirements when it comes to accessibility capabilities in the event website and virtual event portal interfaces. We worked with them to add semantic headers, aria labels, and more!
Custom Report Updates - It wouldn’t be a product update from PheedLoop if we didn’t have something to say about our reporting and analytics system. If you’re still using our old pre-built reports, check out the new custom reports function! This is a constantly evolving system that we’re continuously adding more fields to allow you to track anything and everything at your events.
What’s Coming Up Next?!
This wraps up our product tweaks and updates from April-June! Make sure you stay tuned in to our newsletters, blog posts and social media platforms, because we have bigger and more exciting product announcements dropping very soon. Our engineers have been working endlessly on our brand new Seat Planner and Event Website, and we can’t wait to share the details with you as soon as they are released. Although we can’t give away too much at the moment, we have countless other projects in the works that you can expect to hear about in the coming days, including weekly episodes from our ‘Where People Meet’ Podcast, our biweekly event management blog posts and product updates, as well as teasers and announcements for our upcoming User Conference in July! There are so many things to get excited about and look forward to this summer, and we can’t wait to keep pushing out more content to keep you all in the loop!