April Promotion!
New month, new promo! PheedLoop’s April Promotion provides 5x Exhibitor Lead Retrieval & Marketplace Credits for FREE to clients who sign an agreement by 4:59 PM EST on Friday, April 28th, 2023.
Lead Retrieval allows exhibitors to scan attendees on-site through the event app to save them as a lead. Exhibitor representatives can grade the attendee and leave notes on their conversation, which will be visible in the exhibitor’s exportable leads report.
The Exhibitor Marketplace allows exhibitors to sell products and services to attendees through the event app. This is an excellent opportunity to open up a new revenue stream for you and your exhibitors by selling attendees tokens which they can then redeem for products and services on-site! Keep an eye out for our product update next week for more information on our Exhibitor Marketplace!
If you’re interested, reach out to us at sales@pheedloop.com or send us a pricing request at https://pheedloop.com/pricing!
Are you looking for a way to enhance your exhibitors’ experience and make the most of their investment at your event? PheedLoop’s In-person Lead Retrieval feature is here to help! As one of our most popular features since its launch in 2015, PheedLoop’s Lead Retrieval offers a convenient way for exhibitors to capture valuable attendee contact information instantly without having to rely on bulky barcode scanners.
For those who are not familiar with the feature, Lead Retrieval is a paid upgrade that exhibitors can purchase for a small cost of $99 per exhibitor per event directly from PheedLoop. Once purchased, exhibitors can scan badges directly within PheedLoop Go to instantly get contact information for leads. An exhibiting company gets unlimited licenses for their booth representatives to use.
But that’s not all - PheedLoop’s Lead Retrieval is now even more customizable with the ability to add customized questions on a per exhibitor basis! This means that exhibitors can tailor their Lead Retrieval experience to their specific needs and requirements. In this blog post, we'll explore three reasons why you should consider this new feature for your next event!
Customize Lead Retrieval Questions on a Per Exhibitor Basis

For the first time ever, you can customize the Lead Retrieval questions on a per exhibitor basis. This means that for certain exhibitors, they can create custom questions for their representatives to answer when successfully scanning an attendee. This adds a lot more flexibility and customization for an important part of the conference. This feature is particularly helpful if your exhibitors have certain criteria or things that they need to have answered when scanning leads.
For example, if an exhibitor wants to know the attendee's company size or budget before following up, they can create a custom question in their lead retrieval form. This helps exhibitors filter and prioritize leads based on their needs and saves them valuable time during the follow-up process. With PheedLoop’s Lead Retrieval, you can tailor the questions to your exhibitors' specific needs to help them make the most out of your event.
Get Lead Retrieval Information Instantly
PheedLoop’s Lead Retrieval feature has always been an industry best because of its ability to instantly provide access to valuable leads. With this feature, you no longer need to wait a day or two to get results or notes from the valuable leads you scanned. Instead, you can access the results instantly within the Exhibitor Portal. We all know that timeliness is key to a successful trade show follow-up strategy - this allows you to make the most out of your exhibitor’s time and resources so that they can follow up with leads right away, increasing chances of converting leads into sales!
Generate Revenue by Upselling PheedLoop’s Lead Retrieval
Another great benefit of PheedLoop's lead retrieval feature is its potential for revenue generation. Event planners can disable the ability for exhibitors to buy lead retrieval directly from PheedLoop so that they can instead upcharge exhibitors and keep the difference. Oftentimes we see clients offer Lead Retrieval for $200-300 instead of the $99 fee from PheedLoop. Another strategy we see clients take is bundling lead retrieval into the cost of higher-priced booth packages (such as silver or gold booth packages) to incentivize exhibitors to purchase the higher-priced options.
Wrap Up
PheedLoop’s In-person Exhibitor Lead Retrieval feature is a game-changer for event planners and exhibitors alike. With the ability to create custom questions tailored to exhibitor needs, exhibitors can seamlessly filter and prioritize leads, increasing their chances of converting leads into sales. The instant availability of lead retrieval information and the potential for revenue generation make PheedLoop's lead retrieval feature a must-have for any event planner whose events have a trade show component.
Don’t wait any longer - maximize your exhibitor lead retrieval with PheedLoop’s customizable Lead Retrieval questions and unlock the full potential of your event. And while you're at it, don't forget to take advantage of our April Promo (information above).