Mastering Your Communication Skills as an Events Professional ft. Jason Thomson
February 23, 2023

In this episode of the ‘Where People Meet’ podcast, we are joined by Jason Thomson, Founder and CEO of SpeakUp Get Results, a next-gen consulting agency that helps clients develop the skills that make every presentation, talk, pitch, panel and conversation the very best of their career with coaching, workshops, keynotes, masterclasses and more! For more than 25 years, the world’s smartest organizations have turned to Jason to engage audiences, win business, accelerate careers and communicate more effectively. 

Given his expertise, we were incredibly lucky to have Jason sit down to answer a few questions about his background in the meetings and events industry, where he got the idea for SpeakUp Get Results, the services that are provided by them, when and how he realized he could package his personal brand and make a career out of it, and why mastering your pitch and becoming an engaging storyteller a valuable skill for anyone, regardless of whether or not you’re going up on stage. Jason also gives us a breakdown of what is included in his High-Impact 5-Step SUGR Stack Process for Presentations and Pitches, and we close out the episode by asking him to provide listeners with tips on how to become more comfortable getting in the spotlight and delivering impactful presentations.

If you’re interested in connecting with Jason Thomson to discuss any of this in greater detail or to learn more about his expertise, you can do so at any of the following resources:

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