For those of you who aren’t familiar with PheedLoop’s virtual event platform, a major part of it is the ubiquitous and rapid ability to jump into one-on-one and group video/audio/screen share calls with attendees and even exhibitors at their booths at any time. This system is called PheedLoop Meet.
We’ve invested a lot of time building as much proprietary technology as possible over the last few months especially, as has been our approach to product development for years. The event technology industry is full of many repackaged products which lead to high costs and slow innovation, and our vision has always been to have full control over the tech we sell so that we can keep bringing the cost down, provide rapid improvements, and seamless integrations.
Today, we’re excited to announce a new version of PheedLoop Meet! You’ll soon be able to enjoy:
- Brand new, slick, and cleaner interface that is more responsive to various screen sizes
- Smarter gallery views and active speaker switching for attendee video feeds
- Smarter screen share views to show shared screens alongside a gallery of video feeds
- Option for attendees to mute other attendees if they choose to
- Dark mode, because let’s be real, who doesn’t love dark mode!
- New options to control the quality of video feeds for slower internet connections
This new version will be rolled out to events over the course of next week. There will be no functional impact.
While the above is very exciting, there’s a much bigger reason behind why we’re upgrading PheedLoop Meet. Along the same lines of what we mentioned earlier in this post, proprietary technology development is critically important to us to continue making progress towards our vision.
PheedLoop Meet is being updated because our own streaming and broadcasting service is under active development. This isn’t just a basic RTMP streaming endpoint, although that will be a part of it, it will be a full Zoom-like interface that will allow events to completely untether themselves from using any third-party technology. We’re getting closer to the release of this very exciting development, and will keep you closely posted.
We’re grateful for all the events and organizations which trust PheedLoop - thank you. We are working hard right now on virtual events solutions, but we’re also working on new systems for live events including new check-in, badge, and event app technology so that we’re ready for your hybrid and on-site future.