Introducing Advanced Custom Reporting & Analytics for Events
January 9, 2023

Over the years PheedLoop has grown to serve an increasing number of enterprise-level and/or highly data-driven events and organizations using PheedLoop as a mission critical part of their technology stacks - often the most critical. PheedLoop is trusted with and powers everything from sales and finance, to engagement, marketing, and logistics for our customers.

A limiting factor for many of our customers has been our fairly rigid reporting architecture featuring preset reports and limits on functionality. Not to mention, for events with tens of thousands of attendees, exporting that much data was a test of patience and persistence.

Today, we’re proud to kick off 2022 by announcing our brand new advanced reporting system that is not only feature packed already, but has a huge list of new features coming up to make reports more customizable, automated, and performant. This is a total game changer for all our customers as many of them are looking to integrate, automate, and report across their organization’s metrics more than ever.

Oh, and as you may expect by now, the advanced reporting system is free to use!

We’re also launching an API GET endpoint, the first of its kind in the industry, that allows you to fetch your custom report data seamlessly via our REST API. More on this below.

How It Works

As always, in your dashboard, visit the Data & Reports section. Instead of going to the standard reporting section, visit Custom Reports. From there, you can create a brand new report by clicking Create. Next, there’s a simple form you can use to formulate your custom report. So you are in control of the type of data and the precise fields you want to include! You can create an unlimited number of custom reports from this interface.

Data Previews & Quick Looks

Sometimes you just want to have a quick peek at your data, and don’t want to have to generate and download a whole report, pop open Sheets or Excel, and figure things out. To accomplish this, we’ve added a new Quick Look feature that allows you to inspect the contents of any custom report you create instantly. You can go through the entire data set just like you would for any table in PheedLoop, or just have a peek at the newest rows of data.

Cross Event Reporting

We have many customers that have been with us for years (thank you!) and many who also run many events per year. So for all of you, we’re thrilled to announce that cross event reporting will be a foundational part of our new Member and Community Management system. Many of you are already familiar with the beta version, so if you’d like access, let us know and we’ll get you on the list as we continue rolling it out. Please note that features part of Member and Community Management are in beta right now, and may come at a cost when the system is officially for sale.

Performance Gains & More Data

A challenge with the old reporting system that our new advanced reporting system addresses was our inability to give you access to more data, easily. The old system was built with hardcoded reports and fields. With advanced reporting, we’ve added a lot more categories and fields for you to choose from, and will continue to add even more. We’ve already brought in new metrics, especially for things like live polls and Q&A.

Another major improvement we’ve made by re-writing the way reports are done is dramatically reduce the time it takes to generate reports, especially important for events with thousands or tens of thousands of attendees. The reports always generate behind the scenes and you can come back to download them any time.

API Access

For advanced users of PheedLoop, this one’s for you. In what we believe is an industry-first for the world of events, we’re exposing all the data you would generate via a reporting system over our REST API. With a single GET request to our API, you can pull all the data from any report. This requires the Advanced SmartSight power-up to use (no additional cost if you already have Advanced SmartSight enabled).

What this API functionality enables is the ability to integrate comprehensive analytics right into your platforms, in particular business intelligence tools like Looker, Tableau, Google Data Studio, and beyond. This also means you can use our API to generate your own custom dashboards, or create applications with custom triggers and alerts to do just about anything. The possibilities are endless! Just remember, with great power, comes great responsibility.

Pricing & Rollout Plan

As is the case with mostly everything new that we launch, the new advanced reporting system is free to use! We’re committed to constantly improving and providing new technology and features while reducing the cost barrier for organizations looking to take their events to the next level with PheedLoop.

The advanced reporting system will be fully released to all customers this mid to late January. The old reports will still be accessible for some time, but the advanced reporting system will also be pre-populated with templates that mimic the old reports so you don’t miss a beat.


We have a lot more in the pipeline for our advanced custom reporting system! Stay on the lookout for an upcoming announcement where we show off a brand new data visualization tool that will allow you to turn your custom reports into awesome dashboards!

Plus, we’ll be releasing tools to help you automate your reports and the data you receive from them. We can’t say too much, but you’ll find out soon enough!

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