How to Grow Your Association's Membership ft. Maneesha Manges from HighRoad Solutions
March 14, 2023

In this episode of the ‘Where People Meet’ podcast, we are joined by Maneesha Manges, Chief Experience Officer at HighRoad Solutions, a technology enablement company that helps associations to leverage tech-enabled marketing, membership recruitment, and retention solutions to grow their organization. Maneesha brings a wealth of expertise to the table with more than 20 years of evolving experience in the B2B marketing space. Known for being a specialist in early stage or high growth firms, Maneesha is able to establish marketing programs and lead generation activities to deliver unexpected results with limited budgets.

Given her level of expertise, we were incredibly lucky to have Maneesha sit down to answer a few questions about her background in the meetings and events industry, what appealed to her most about marketing as a profession, an overview of the services provided by HighRoad Solutions, what type to clientele they normally cater to, what marketing automation means and how associations can implement its strategies to expand their membership, why marketing an event is a critical step, and some of the do’s and don'ts when it comes to event marketing. Maneesha also shares what the future looks like for event marketing, and some of the event marketing strategies that are already being implemented at HighRoad Solutions.

If you’re interested in connecting with Maneesha Manges to discuss any of this in greater detail or to learn more about her expertise, you can do so at any of the following resources:

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