Announcing Free Pre-Recording of Your Sessions Using Meet & Stream
January 9, 2023

With the intense focus we’ve had on releasing all our refreshed and new on-site tech over the last few weeks, we’re excited to announce another new and powerful feature for those of you running hybrid and virtual events too. As always, we’re dedicated to continuously offering more of our product for less of your dollars, saving you time along the way!

PheedLoop has become known over the years for offering perhaps the best Simulive streaming experience on the market for virtual events. Aside from the fact that it’s the only platform that offers unlimited and free streaming, the Simulive system also supports stream source switching (to make it seamless to go from Simulive to Truelive), multiple timezone support, join anytime stream syncing, live captions, and far more.

As great as our Simulive system is, a challenge our customers have had is finding the right place to record their content prior to uploading and managing it in PheedLoop. This required having to pay for Meet & Stream credits, or use something like Zoom to record their content.

We’ve now added the ability for our customers to simply launch Meet & Stream from their backstage, but only in recording mode so that they can meet with their speakers in the familiar PheedLoop interface anytime before their event, record content, and manage it all in one place. This supports both using PheedLoop Meet (including the use of custom backgrounds), or even direct RTMP so that you can log your RTMP stream directly into PheedLoop and collect the asset a few moments later.

The best part is it’s free to use, in an unlimited capacity.

We anticipate this feature being most helpful for events that struggle with resources and time when it comes to preparing their sessions. Executing many, often concurrent, true live sessions, can certainly take a toll on even the most experienced event professionals. Using this feature combined with Simulive is sure to make the experience significantly more stress free.

This feature will be available in late April for all customers, for free.

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