Elevate Author-to-Attendee Interactions with NEW Improvements to PheedLoop's Academic Posters!
July 28, 2023

For years, PheedLoop has been at the forefront of empowering countless events, with a particular focus on academic-based conferences. As part of its commitment to continuous improvement, PheedLoop has honed its capabilities in managing Academic Posters and Presentations through the innovative Proposal Management system. In response to the growing number of customers utilizing PheedLoop's platform, we are thrilled to introduce several adjustments that will streamline the management of these events further.

Seamlessly Showcase Academic Posters with the New Poster Upload Feature

To elevate the experience for attendees, we have introduced a new feature that enables the seamless upload of PDF files associated with each poster. These PDFs can be viewed natively within the event app or virtual portal, and attendees can also download the content for future reference. By combining this capability with our existing video feature, your researchers can effortlessly present pre-recorded poster presentations that are supported by academic papers and research documents. 

Personalize Your Experience with the Star Favorites Feature

We understand the importance of personalization and making it easier for attendees to engage with the content that matters most to them. With our new Star Favorites feature, attendees can now mark their favorite posters with a simple click. This functionality allows them to create a personalized list of starred posters, making it convenient to revisit and further explore the content. Accessing this list is as simple as using the filter option in the Poster Hall tab.

Streamlined Importing Process and Bulk Editing Capabilities

Managing a large number of posters is now more convenient than ever. With our improved importing process, you can indicate whether the poster being imported is classified as a Showcase exhibitor within the Exhibitor tab. This streamlines the import process, saving you time and energy. Additionally, we have extended this feature to our Bulk Edit functionality, allowing you to make swift edits to multiple posters simultaneously.

Collect Valuable Insights from Authors with Form Input Questions 

We recently introduced a text input feature that allows you to gather valuable information from poster presenters. By using this feature, you can ask form input questions tailored to your specific requirements. It provides an efficient way to collect essential data related to your posters.

Simplify File Submissions with Task Management

Managing the distribution of poster presentations becomes effortless with our file upload feature. Through Task Management, you can request file submissions from poster authors. Once submitted, you have the ability to review and either approve or disapprove the task. This functionality ensures a smooth process for accepting or denying file submissions necessary for the poster presentation.

Wrap Up

PheedLoop's commitment to elevating Academic Posters and Presentations shines through its latest series of improvements. From enabling native PDF viewing and personalized favorites lists to streamlining importing and enhancing presenter-attendee interactions, these updates make PheedLoop an indispensable platform for managing academic events. Embrace these advancements, and revolutionize your academic conference experience with PheedLoop today!

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