3 NEW Feature Releases in Community Management: Membership Certificates, Donations, & Job Boards!
June 13, 2023

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Community Management is an incredible tool that organizations use to engage their members, maintain memberships, and continuously improve their community experience. At PheedLoop, we center our practices around relentless innovation, which means finding exciting ways to enhance the community management process for our Community & Member Management clients. In this blog post, we are thrilled to introduce THREE feature releases that will revolutionize the way organizations connect with their members through PheedLoop. Keep reading as we explore these exciting new features designed to empower organizations, streamline operations, and provide valuable benefits to their members.

Announcing Membership Certificates

We are excited to announce the introduction of Membership Certificates as a key feature in PheedLoop's Community Management platform. Membership Certificates are official documents that validate a member's active status within an organization. These certificates include the member's name and the date their membership became active, serving as tangible proof of their association. Event admins now have the ability to manually send these certificates to members directly from the intuitive PheedLoop dashboard. Alternatively, members can autonomously download their own certificates through their dedicated Member Portal, ensuring quick and convenient access to this valuable proof of membership.

Membership Certificates are more than just symbolic acknowledgments; they instill a sense of pride and belonging among members. By providing official documentation to their members, organizations can strengthen the bond between members and the community, increasing engagement and fostering a sense of identity.

Collect Donations Using Membership Donations

PheedLoop's Membership Donations feature is a game-changer for organizations seeking to fundraise and support their initiatives. This feature allows organizations to collect donations in real-time from their members via the donation function on the Organization Website or the member's dedicated Member Portal. With PheedLoop, event admins can effortlessly set up a Donation Page, complete with detailed instructions and welcome text, explaining how each contribution positively impacts the organization's goals and mission.

To make the donation process more convenient for members, event admins can set default donation amounts, providing options that align with the organization's fundraising objectives. Members can also choose to make their donations anonymous, respecting their privacy while still supporting the cause. The comprehensive Custom Reports feature allows event admins to download all donation information, ensuring accurate tracking, analysis, and transparent reporting.

Membership Donations create a powerful avenue for organizations to leverage their engaged community and support their initiatives. By providing an easy and transparent way for members to contribute, organizations can maximize their fundraising efforts, accelerate their growth, and make a lasting impact.

Post Jobs on the Job Board

Finding the right talent is crucial for any organization's success. With PheedLoop's Job Board feature, organizations can now offer a platform for their members to post jobs that are then visible to other members of their community. The Job Board provides a dedicated space within the Member Portal for organizations and members to post job opportunities that are exclusive to their community.

Members can conveniently search, filter, and review job listings tailored to their organization's needs. They can search for jobs based on keywords, organization names, job titles, and more. This comprehensive search functionality ensures that members have a personalized and efficient job-seeking experience.

The Job Board feature offers two methods for posting jobs. First, Organization Admins can directly post jobs from the PheedLoop dashboard, ensuring a centralized and efficient process. Second, members themselves can post jobs directly from their Member Portal, encouraging collaboration and empowering members to contribute to their organization's growth.

For organizations that wish to implement an approval process for job postings, PheedLoop provides an intuitive system to review and moderate submissions. Event admins have the flexibility to set up an approval process and a fee collection mechanism for job posts. Admins can specify the cost of each job post, collect funds instantly, and approve or disapprove posts based on their organization's requirements and quality standards.

This ensures that the Job Board remains a valuable resource, delivering high-quality job opportunities to members while opening up new revenue streams for the organization. 

Wrap Up

PheedLoop's new feature releases in Community Management, including Membership Certificates, Membership Donations, and the Job Board, present exciting opportunities for organizations to enhance their community engagement, streamline their operations, and provide valuable benefits to their members. The introduction of Membership Certificates strengthens the sense of belonging among members, providing tangible proof of their active membership status. Membership Donations enable organizations to harness the power of their community, facilitating real-time contributions and amplifying fundraising efforts. The Job Board fosters collaboration and empowers members to access relevant job opportunities within their community, creating a holistic ecosystem of growth and support.

With these innovative features, PheedLoop continues to demonstrate its commitment to advancing Community Management practices and empowering organizations to thrive. By embracing these feature releases, organizations can elevate their community engagement, strengthen member experiences, and foster lasting connections. Join the revolution in community management with PheedLoop and unlock the full potential of your organization's community today.

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